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Lori Kizer's Vintage Jewelry
Specializing in Bakelite, Lucite & Wood
Atelier Papillon Bakelite > AP12 wide thru wall prystal dots on white bakelite bangle
AP12 wide thru wall prystal dots on white bakelite bangle

Price: No Price
Availability: SOLD

Sensational best of the best thru wall Prystal dots on white bakelite bangle (will patina to custard over time). Dots in dots, edge dots, glitter dots, dot clusters, this is a masterpiece of construction and not something you've seen before.  Kent really outdid himself on this one. 

There is about every color of Prystal that you can think of on this bangle and believe me, it's worth the price.  Measurements are 1.5" wide X 2 5/8" wrist opening X 1/4" wall height. 

This will likely be your favorite go to, go with everything bangle!

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