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Lori Kizer's Vintage Jewelry
Specializing in Bakelite, Lucite & Wood
New Items > AB138 Teresa wide green dot bangle with marbled brown daisy spacers
AB138 Teresa wide green dot bangle with marbled brown daisy spacers

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Price: $385.00
Availability: in stock

Wide bangle is by Teresa and is a lovely marbled light green with big dots of clear,  brown and black marbled bakelite.  The bangle measures 1 1/4" wide X 2 1/2" wrist X 1/4" walls. 

Comes with a pair of marbled chocolate sundae bakelite daisy spacers and a pair of thin cafe au lait spacers.  The daisy spacers are slightly different widths, one is 3/16" and the other is 1/4"

Excellent condition

Price is for all shown in photo