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Lori Kizer's Vintage Jewelry
Specializing in Bakelite, Lucite & Wood
Lucite, Galalith, Wood & other Plastic Bangles > LG230 medium smooth lucite bangles
LG230 medium smooth lucite bangles

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Price: $37.00
Availability: in stock

Colorful smooth lucite bangles at a price that makes them perfect for everyday wear.  These are a medium size measuring 9/16" wide X 2 1/2" wrist opening X just shy of 3/8" wall thickness.

Colors available -

blue - 3

lilac - 2, one of the lilac bangles has a 2 9/16" wrist opening 

rose pink - 1

coral orange -2, one has a 2 9/16" wrist opening  

marigold -1

olive green - 1

All in excellent unworn condition

Sold separately