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Lori Kizer's Vintage Jewelry
Specializing in Bakelite, Lucite & Wood
Bakelite Bangles, pg 7 > BB725 trio smooth bakelite bangles
BB725 trio smooth bakelite bangles

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Price: $185.00
Availability: in stock

Trio of smooth bakelite bangles-

marbled medium green bakelite bangle measures 11/16" wide X 2 1/2" wrist opening X 5/16" wall height

medium domed marbled red orange bakelite bangle measures 3/4" wide X just over 2 1/2" wrist opening X 5/16" wall height

marbled butterscotch bakelite bangle measures 11/16"wide X 2 1/2" wrist opening X 5/16" wall height

All in Excellent Condition

Price is for all 3